
Monty McDougal has been working in the computer security field for the last 7+ years. Before that, he spent another 5 years working in and around the computer industry performing tasks ranging from programming to system administration. Monty has an extensive programming background in web development, security architecture and design, security assessments, and auditing. Monty currently works for a large government contractor as a Senior Security Engineer.

Monty holds the following major degrees and certifications: BBA in Computer Science / Management (double major) from Angelo State University, MS in Network Security from Capitol College, CISSP, ISSEP, ISSAP, GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH), GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA), GIAC Certified UNIX Security Administrator (GCUX), GIAC Certified Windows Security Administrator (GCWN), GIAC Auditing Wireless Networks (GAWN), and serves on the SANS Advisory Boards.

Monty is also the author of several papers, presentations, and tools including the Windows Forensic Toolchest (WFT).