Our full-time staff is comprised of one principle security engineer backed by a few associate security engineers who are brought in to assist as needed. We have a very broad skill base from which we draw to meet our customer's needs. All of us have extensive security backgrounds, including numerous certifications and relevant degrees. Additionally, two of us have degrees in both Computer Science and Business Management. What this means for our customers is that we have the background to meet both your business and technical needs. We are able to suggest things that will help you better secure your home or business while also fitting your business needs. As for technical qualifications, we have experience in a wide variety of areas in addition to computer security. Here is a brief list: web programming (in Java, ASP, PHP, C, C++, and Perl) in both UNIX and NT environments, general programming (in C, C++, and Visual Basic), system administration in WINDOWS/UNIX/NOVELL, networking, web design, graphic design, and vast experience in PC hardware/software.